Peacock Caddis Dry Fly
Very Effective General Purpose Caddis Imitation that works Worldwide
Ykes, take a look at what we have here! A foam body Attractor pattern with supernatural powers.
Pink Cahill
This delicate little Mayfly imitation can be used to fish either Light Cahill or Sulphur hatches.
Quill Gordon Dry Fly
A Classic Pattern for East, Midwest and West that has stood the test of time
Rat Face McDougal Dry Fly
A great High Floater for Fast Water that looks "Irresistible" to Trout
Red Quill Dry Fly
This pattern actualy imitates the Male dun of Serratella tibialisis, the Small Western Dark Hendrickson where as the female is just known as Dark Hendrickson
The fly that doesn't know weather it is coming or going has been working magic for many years.
Rouge Foam Stone
This is a robust foam Stonefly imitation designed by Jack Schlotter
Royal Coachman Dry Fly
One of the Top 10 Patterns of All Time with many Variants
Slow Water Caddis Dry Fly
Just perfect for the tail end of a Pool or other quiet water situations