Terrestrial Flies

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Chernobyl Juicy Bug Dry Fly Chernobyl Juicy Bug Dry Fly
This thing has it all, rubber legs, foam body, synthetic hair and a wild profile that excites big trout.
Clarks Cicada Dry Fly Clarks Cicada Dry Fly
For Really Big Fish anywhere but especially productive in New Zealand waters
Daves Black Beetle Terrestrial Dry Fly Daves Black Beetle Terrestrial Dry Fly
A Hot Summer Day Favorite for fishing slow stretches of Streams and Rivers
Dave's Carpenter Ant Dry Fly Dave's Carpenter Ant Dry Fly
Very common food source for Trout especially in heavily wooded sections of Streams and Rivers
Dave's Cricket Terrestrial Dry Fly Dave's Cricket Terrestrial Dry Fly
A Dave Whitlock Creation that is a very good imitation of the Natural also great for Panfish
Dave's Hopper Terrestrial Dry Fly Dave's Hopper Terrestrial Dry Fly
A Dave Whitlock Creation that is a very good imitation of the Natural
Fat Head Beetle Fat Head Beetle
This is a new pattern that has a great film layer imprint
Fatboy Fatboy
Check out this big fat hopper imitation that is one very effective Attractor Pattern.
Flying Ant Tesstrial Dry Fly Flying Ant Tesstrial Dry Fly
Trout will feed selectively on ants and this is pattern is the perfect choice for that occasion
Foamster Spider Foamster Spider
This spider is creepy looking enough to use for Halloween, fish just eat it up.
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