Sakasa Kebari - Reverse Hackle/Cream with Red Hook
We have found this particular pattern quite effective when fished in a “dabbing” style dancing the fly up and down off the water’s surface. It is tied on a Gamakatsu # C12-B, Barbless red finish hook with cream silk thread and golden badger hackle.
Sakasa Kebari is the pattern most often associated with Tenkara style flies with its distinctive and radical reverse hackle design. The extreme forward facing hackle design is the product of the evolution of a traditional Japanese style of Tenkara flies called Takayama sakasa kebari that date back hundreds of years in Japanese fishing history. The evolution of this style of Tenkara pattern has been credited to Japanese Tenkara masters; Fuji-meijin and Amano-meijin. Once again we have a simple pattern constructed of only silk thread and hackle in various color schemes. As with all our Tenkara flies, Sakasa Kebari are tied on high quality Gamakatsu C12-B hooks in sizes 12-14-16. The C12-B has a red finish that adds considerably to the way this pattern fishes. Red hooks attract fish, it is as simple as that. We have found this particular pattern quite effective when fished in a “dabbing” style where you extend your Tenkara rod up and forward and dance the fly up and down off the water’s surface. Tenkara rods are the perfect tool to fish flies with the dabbing technique and this fly is uniquely suited for the task. We are currently updating our inventory and not accepting new orders. Please check back at a later date. |